Saturday, June 28, 2008

Still good...

It is really nice to be able to share the good news!

Dad is continuing to make daily progress. Yesterday, I heard that he was breathing on his own for 12 hours! Apparently more of his drains were taken out. I am assuming he is not "on fire" anymore and really is in recovery mode. Mike says we can't claim victory yet - who died and left him boss? NOBODY!!!!
I've been looking forward to using that line :)

Doctors and nurses are starting to talk about when they can move him to rehab. Actually, I just heard that he will go to a "slightly less" Intensive Care facility. A place equipped to do rehab as well as monitor his sugar etc. More news as that becomes reality.

We LOVE the staff at the hospital but will look forward to saying buh-bye! Still a few weeks away, but I'm going to practice my wave.

I am going to see him this weekend and will give him a kiss for you!

Cheers, Michelle

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