Monday, November 10, 2008

Announcement of Pro Loco Naming


18 October 2008

Antonio Di Fabrizio, President of the Proloco

PROLOCO TORRICELLA PELIGNA “ALBERT PORRECA”. Yes, ALBERT PORRECA will guide this newly created association towards the cultural development Torricella so dearly needs. The PROLOCO of Torricella Peligna is determined to become a true DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTION, to carry out social policies that will promote our mountainous territory. We will do this through intercommunication, which will culturally enrich those in Torricella, and those who live beyond its borders in very different social contexts, and as result, have novel ideas and values to share. A study carried out by the Ministry of Social Policy indicated that volunteer associations are the only institutions that manage to enter decisively into the social fabric, to promote civil harmony among citizens and to offer services that often seem impossible to obtain otherwise. ALBERT PORRECA, a simple and humble man, represents for us someone who offered to the entire world, in the true spirit of volunteerism, a phenomenal means of mass communication that over the years will be vital for our cultural growth. ALBERT was a visionary, ten years ahead of his time, and it is for this reason he deserves to be remembered and honored. Torricella does itself a favor when it recognizes people like ALBERT PORRECA, who silently work to build something that all find useful. We will proudly bear the name of a man who became renown for having created something for everyone, and not, as often happens, for his own personal benefit.

In 2009, depending on the availability of the family of ALBERT PORRECA and DAN ASPROMONTE, we will hold the official ceremony.


A note from Antonio to Dan Aspromonte that offers a little background to the announcement and the work my dad did to deserve this honor.

19 October 2008
Antonio Piccoli

Thank you. You are fantastic. It is an announcement that gives me enormous delight. On behalf of Torricellans the world over, I thank you. For it was through the hard word of Al Porreca that we have now come together to communicate via this extraordinary instrument called the Internet. Our five-year-old website, a sort of Wikipedia encyclopedia dedicated to Torricella, is incredible. You can find a bit of everything on it. If you type the name of a Torricellan in a search engine, the first site that always comes up is This did not come about on its own, out of thin air. It is the product of the tireless work of a man passionate about a town he did not know, but that he knew formed his “roots”. He spent entire days, and even nights, in front of his computer, uploading news, photos, genealogy and translations. Yes, translations -- there is no other site that is as bilingual as ours!! It is unfortunate that Al passed away so soon. Yet, in the brief time he was with us, he managed to amass so much material that he will never be forgotten. Torricella has done well to recognize his achievements, last year giving him the first ever Torricellan in the World award, and now naming the Pro Loco after him. Thanks again!

Here is a link to the website....visit often. My dad will be there.

For those who are bilingual:

19 Ottobre 2008
Antonio Piccoli

Grazie, siete magnifici.
E' un annucio che mi fa enormemente piacere.
Grazie da parte mia e penso anche a nome di tutti quei torricellani sparsi per il mondo che, per mezzo del grande lavoro di Al Porreca, 
si ritrovano oggi a comunicare attraverso questo straordinario 
strumento che è la rete.
Da cinque anni Torricella si ritrova ad avere un sito incredibile, dove puoi trovare di tutto, una specie di enciclopedia Wikipedia dedicata al nostro paese. Dove se digiti un nome di un torricellano 
sulla casella di ricerca, in prima fila ci trovi sempre 
E questo non è venuto da solo, così, dal nulla, c'è voluto il lavoro 
certosino ed instancabile di un uomo innamorato di un paese che non 
conosceva ma che sapeva essere la sua "radice". Giornate intere e 
anche nottate passate davanti al computer a caricare notizie, foto, genealogia, traduzioni. Sì, le traduzioni. Non esiste in giro un sito così, un sito bilingue!!
Purtroppo ci ha lasciato molto presto, ma in questo brevissimo tempo abbiamo avuto in eredità una tale mole di dati che sarà impossibile dimenticarlo.
Torricella se ne è accorta subito, l'anno scorso lo ha premiato con 
la prima edizione del Torricellano nel Mondo, quest'anno con la 
dedica dell'intestazione della Pro Loco.

Non poteva fare di meglio!!

Grazie ragazzi