Monday, June 9, 2008

The long road...

Dad had the cyst drained today - 1350 cc's of yucky fluid. Supposedly good yucky, though. If there is such a thing. We may have more info in the morning, but I believe this is just a step in managing the process of healing (Donna and Hassan told me that, thank God for the 2 of them who are helping us to stay reasonable educated and on top of this!) He is still not awake. That will be our next big milestone.

There is no magic cure for this. Time, patience, prayers and some luck.

Hunker down for a long trip back to good health. Dad has to do it, so we will too.
My mom has been amazing. Behind every great man, there is a great woman. Believe it. I've seen it.
She'll be easy to spot from now on cause my dad is going to be one skinny dude!



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