Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Some information that I found comforting...

My dad has necrotizing pancreatitis and I just found this post which made me feel better...last paragraph especially. I swear I keep searching the internet for some answer, or the future, actaully I really just want info about my dad, selfish as I am, the closest thing I found was this blog from a surgeon.


The part I liked the best...in case you dont; have time to read the whole thing...

"Hospital stays are long, complications are frequent, and the one thing required above all else in the patient with necrotizing pancreatitis is found in very short supply in our pharmacy: patience. But it is with a hefty dose of patience on the part of the surgeon, patient, and family that we manage to get the majority of these folks back on their feet. And then, it's Hammer time for all!"

Information is always good - unless it's bad - but this is good. We are on the right path...patience.

Is it hammer time yet?

Sorry I posted a lot in the last 2 days with not a lot of info, but I feel better :) You?

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