Saturday, June 7, 2008

Half a Glass

Good morning,

The news on my dad depends on how you choose to look at it.
We talked to 2 doctors yesterday who were "cautiously optimistic". Unfortunately, the last doctor we spoke to, one of the GI docs, was "brutally pessimistic". What a jerk.

What they are worried about is the inflammation of his abdomen. His lungs are squished and it seems so are his intestines and the "food" can't pass through like they would like it to. He needs to get the nutrition they are trying to give him. Bottom line, the inflammation must subside for him to continue healing. He needs to get off breathing tube (which is now a trachiostomy?) and get his bowels working.

What they are optimistic about is his kidney function, his white blood cell count which is low, no fevers, and the fact that he has come this far. He also has strong lungs, a strong heart and a girlfriend who really, really wants him to come home. Whenever he's ready.

So, Dad, you're a half a glass. Half-full, of the finest ingredients. That's enough for now.
The anniversary party was a bust without you. You owe us a dinner. You don't even have to pay - just be there.

Love you, Michelle

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