Saturday, July 5, 2008

Saturdays News...

Hi, all,

Just had a nice visit with dad. My husband and kids came down too and they were so happy to get a big smile from their dad and grandpop. He was pretty tired, but in typical fashion he used all his strength to make us feel better!

Jeff is there now and I'm sure even if all he does is stare at my dad sleeping, he is quite content to do so. I'm sure dad is content just to have Jeff in the room. Everyone is happier when Jeff is in town and my dad is no exception. Unfortunately, Jeff has to get back to get his boat ready for dad to go fishing! That will be "the best day ever"!

My dad loves you all very much and wants you to know he'll be back to his old self as soon as he can.

Monday he will have a "swallowing" test and if he does well (is there any doubt?) maybe he can have some liquids. Just in from Jeff at the had a sip of water! So much for the swallowing test. This news is live, folks!

Anyway, enjoy the good news.

Dad loves reading the blog so if you want to post a short note to him he would enjoy it. If you can't figure out how to post, just email me - and I'll post it if you want or just read it to him. Mom has been saving all your cards so we'll be bringing them up when he moves to the next place.

We are all so appreciative of your support and prayers. You have been a blessing.
So, keep it up - we have a ways to go!

Love from Marlton!

The Porreca Family

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