Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How rich can one man be.

Hey my Cuz:
This is Toots.
How fortunate you are to have so many well wishers, admirers and family doting over you. The east coast, the west coast and europe. There you are in the hospital, unable to do for yourself and have all of us on call, standing by for any assistance we could provide in order to get you out of that bed. We're waiting on you cuz to just give us a nod a fist or even a fart. Whichever way you care to communicate, the next move is on you.
I'll continue to be updated by Lee, Charley and Billy and am very anxious for that one particular email or phone call that tells me you are up and about. You are the patriarch of our family and that pedestal we put you on is needing a bigg butt.
Love, Rita.

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