Friday, August 1, 2008

Stand by your bed.....

.....and tell the world about it! You have to sing that to get the reference. Or maybe you just have to be me. I'll never know.

Anyway, he did it. Stood by his bed, 2 days in a row and he wanted me to tell you about it! First day was 10 seconds with support, obviously) and today 30 seconds. This is so good. It takes a lot out of him but he needs to do that twice a day starting Monday.

Surprise, everyone loves him there. They said he is pleasant, funny, a hard worker, and patient. They don't know about his road rage.

Jeff is in town for Andy and Amy's engagement party (yay!) and Dad was thrilled to see him. Dad is sad to miss the party but he'll be there in spirit...and we'll Photoshop him into the pictures. He will if we don't :)

Swallow test next week? We'll see. He is doing a great job with his exercises and just needs more body strength in general to ensure he'll pass.

Please continue to pray for his patience, good spirits, and strength to keep this up.
Unfortunately, he knows just how long Beeeeeebeeeeeeetown Road is.

Wishing you some summer fun this weekend.

1 comment:

Al Porreca (Sonny) said...

Yahoo!! He looks fantastic. I am so relieved. I know he has a long road ahead of him, but my goodness how far he has com..Thank you for keeping us posted so we don't have to bother everyone with phone calls that I'm sure never seem to end...Give him a big kiss for me, Oh and don't forget to give your mom one also, add a hug there plz.