Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Feast of the Madonna delle Rose in Torricella

Dear Al,
I do hope you are making better progress since your operation. To cheer you on your way, here is the latest translation (which hopefully someone will read to you) about the festivities in Torricella yesterday at the Feast of the Madonna delle Rose - a place which I know you loved - think how pretty it must be now, garlanded with all those flowers! Let them help to cheer you too!!
Love from England, from
Marion Porreca

Festa of the Madonna delle Rose

As promised, here is a brief account of the festa of the Madonna delle Rose, which took place yesterday. As every year, this time too it was very positive. People from Torricella and others too showed great enthusiasm ain taking part.
It opened at eight o’clock with fireworks and soon after, the musical band from Gessopalena marched around all the village streets, led by our dear friend, Silvio Di Marino.
Mass was celebrated at eleven o’clock at the Sanctuary and in the early afternoon, as has been happening for the past four years, there were games for the children, which has become a tradition of this festa. This joyful time, always is a great success, especially on the part of the smallest. Treasure hunt, hit the target, “pentolaccia”[1] And tug of war held our children’s attention all afternoon and as well as enjoying themselves playing together and socialising, in moments such as this, they were able to rediscover the beauties of nature and the advantages of being able to enjoy the freedom it offers. There was also a large crowd of parents and it is lovely to be able to tell you that I saw young mothers playing and competing together with their children. It was a marvellous scene, I assure you!
The presence of our little villagers was fundamental also to the procession: in fact, all the children, having finished playing their games, took [art in the procession carrying roses to the Madonna, thus further sweetening the already precious moment.
The evening concluded with orchestral music and a firework display.
Positive confirmation also for the selling of blessed roses, which was as if they were giving them away (selling like hot cakes)!
In conclusion, we were all very satisfied, especially for the love and dedication that people show each time towards our Sanctuary that really must be special, and we hope that this tradition will continue for a long time to come.

P.S. May I remind you that on Sunday 8th June there is the Ecologic Stroll, do please come in large numbers!!! I am certain that this will be an unforgettable day!
Greetings to everyone, Francesca.

Translator’s Note:
[1] Pentolaccia – is the same as piñata – it is a brightly-colored container made from paper or cardboard filled with sweets and/or toys. It is generally suspended on a rope from a tree branch or ceiling and is used during celebrations. A succession of blindfolded, stick-wielding children try to break the piñata in order to collect the sweets and/or toys inside of it. It has been used for hundreds of years in Spain and Mexico to celebrate special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas and Easter – and is now becoming popular in America and the UK too as a children’s party game.

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