Monday, June 30, 2008

And the password is.....

Here is how Sunday's visit went....

Dad: Mouthing a word

Me: Can I have? Do you want something?

Dad: Shakes head no - mouths words again

Me: Can I have? Are you saying "can i have?"

Dad: Shakes head no - tries again

Me: Are you sure it's not "can I have", cause it looks like "can i have?"

Dad: shakes head no - still not annoyed at me - or not showing it anyway
tries words again

Me: is it "can I have?"

Dad: Close eyes and fakes sleep.

And I thought I was going to be good at reading lips. I guess that's one game we didn't play at the dinner table.

Turns out he was trying to say "life", "Life is hard when you can't speak".
He did not add anything derogatory about people who continually guess the same word...or if he did I didn't understand. :)

So, you see, he is awake and communicating! Also moving his arms and legs and can even do a little dance. And, I got a kiss and a smile when I walked into his room!
The swelling in his hands and feet have gone down and he looks just like the handsome guy we all know and love. Even the doctors are smiling - we didn't see a lot of that before. Actually, we saw none of that until this week.

When he is off the ventilator he will be able to speak by covering a hole in the trach. This may be within a week or 2.

I believe we will be seeing lots of progress this week, so stop back for more good news. Emma and her healing hands are coming back this evening! Lay them on the trach, please!!

Cheers, everyone. You did good.


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