Saturday, May 3, 2008

I got a Kiss!

Dad definitely air smooched me last night - yahoo! I got one to take home to my mom as well. "The boys" were jealous and tried to convince me that later he walked them to the door. Not the hospital front door, just the door to his room. I would love to believe them.

He was definitely moving his arms and legs purposefully in the afternoon and l looking at us and answering yes and no questions with head nods. Saturday same thing with lots of smiles
and I think he is trying to say something that sounds like un-ga-ga. Not sure what that might be, but my mom is changing her name to that. I am "snort" and he has been asking for me all day.

They are trying to keep him off sedation so that he'll start communicating more, so he only gets pain meds at night for sleeping. He nods "no" when we ask him if he is in pain, so I'm sure he is uncomfortable but dealing with it. No real change in CAT scan of abdomen.

Waiting for him to just fight thru this.

On another bright note, we are all enjoying visiting with one another. Our family and friends are lots of fun and we have had a lot of laughs. My dad would be happy to hear this.

He loves you all and so do we.

The Porreca Clan

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